
maybe I should be more concerned about Acaba then traveling across the border tomorrow to Israel. 

I was going to write about how these past days have been well it is really hard to put it into words about my time in Petra and even my trip to Amman but I can’t because I am seeing red right now at the Red Sea how much it sucks that I can’t enjoy my time because I am a woman alone traveling no mater how noble your cause is for traveling I am a prostitute I can’t spend time outside of my room when I actually paid to be here. 

Any man that is reading this you will never never have an opportunity to experience the fear, the dismissiveness, the anxiety in everything you do, what your wearing, the constant attention, inappropriate question, there is times in my life I would do anything to just be a man and walk the beach at 7:00 in the evening I will never understand this mentality!!! I am a human being, a person that gave birth to you. I am a mother of the world. Instead I get asked to go inside because the men can’t handle my presence even though I told the staff the men asked me to be my friend for one hour you know a friend to drink with and have sex. 

I sit in between I refuse to go in my room but I can’t sit by the pool so I look at the sea through the glass. 

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