Transformation and the Death Card

Death Tarot Card/XochicalcoMost of my close friends know that I have suffered some anxiety about my return trip to Palestine. People assume because I travel so much that it must be easy for me but in actuality it is so,so, emotionally challenging and draining. I tend to over think and imagine every possible scenario. This time around with the challenges of getting to Palestine these scenarios have taken center stage to everything else about the trip. It has also left me second-guessing my intuition, my motives and my strengths. We all have our moments when we are not as courageous as we would like to be.

Me being me I have been asking for signs and looking for signs everywhere to give me some clues for this trip. I have been doing my tarot cards maybe more than I should and I keep on getting the same card over and over. Naturally getting the death card as you are about to board a plane is not pleasant, but since I get this card quite often I have had some time to reflect on the meaning it makes sense now.

Death indicates a time of significant transformation, sudden and unexpected change and transition. You need to profoundly transform yourself and clear away any of the old in order to bring in the new. Any change at this time should be welcomed as a positive, cleansing, transformative force in your life. The death and clearing away of limiting factors can open the door to a wider, more satisfying experience of life.

You feel you can no longer go along with the status quo and want things to change radically. Many changes are going to take place to enable a new direction to emerge.

The next line should be then you make a trip to Palestine.

Sometimes I wonder about the choices that I make, I tend to take the path less traveled, the harder route and when I am about to embark on the journey I often question why the hell am I doing this for? As for my family why the hell are you going to there? And dad let me reassure you again I am not joining Isis.

Now that I am a certain age I have gown a little bit more comfortable with the uncomfortableness of my decisions. The moment I made the decision to return to Palestine and to live at a Refugee Camp I was saying yes to significant change and transformation.

I can’t predict what I will see, the people I will meet, or what I will accomplish, but I know it will be radical in the ways that I am seeking. I am embrace the Death card I am not afraid I give in to you completely.

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