Greetings from Ostruzno, Czech Republic

I am sitting at base camp in Oztruzno Czech Republic sorting out this blog. This is my internet in the village and it is dreadfully slow. I feel like Cinderella, “I am not in Kansas anymore”. This is my first post for my new blog Projekt Palestine. I have 2 more days till I leave for Jordan. Anxiety has set in I am not sleeping and feverishly working in the late hours trying to catch up on thing. I wish I was more prepared for my trip back to Palestine but with a trip like this can you really be?

This is the best I can do with the design of this blog, this is my first time relying solely on my iPhone for blogging, the design is not so special and please forgive my spelling mistakes. I will update regularly when I am able; from Jordan to Israel to Palestine, and when I settle into my home, away from home, away from home, Azza refugee camp in Bethlehem.

Please consider following me on this journey and please share with anyone that might have an interest. Thank you!

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